之前看到一段Pixel Federation成立10週年的紀念影片
我覺得有點感人 所以就分享給大家囉
Lucia Sickova/ 教育訓練經理
Simon Sicko/ 執行長(我猜Simon和Lucia應該是夫妻?)
Adam Adamek/ DA的製作人
Peter Mitko/ 程式設計師
Martin Svetlik/ 首席設計長
Lucia: The motivation with all of us was great and the desire to do what made us happy and to try to do it our way.
Simon: If you had asked me 10 years ago, I would have described it as a major success, however if we are considering the present terms, it doesn't mean that much to me. Nothing is older than yesterday's success.
Adam: Pixel means pretty much to me, partly because of the fact that I've been here since the very beginning. The people I've met here, I consider them to be my family. I'm really curious how you can make a funny video out of this.
2007年5月 Pixel開始成立
Simon: I think it was one of those parties where we wanted to talk about a strategy, what we want to do, how we want to do it. As we were discussing these things, we were drinking alcohol as well. I fell asleep and my future collegues dyed my hair blue. Assholes.
Lucia: It was 10 years ago, and at some point we knew that we wanted to start our own business.
Simon: Pixel was created because of two things. There was no job for me in Slovakia in the gaming industry, and I wanted to make games so bad. Another reason was Lucia. I was just a dreamer back then. She was the leader. So I said to myself: I guess she's gonna manage it somehow, let's just do it.
(機歪貓的英語教室:I want ... so bad = 我很想要做某件事/某個東西)
Lucia: At the very beginning, we were just amateurs, who liked the idea of it all, and then there were people whom we really recruited, whom we wanted to work for us.
Simon: Motivated and unexperienced, and un-motivated and experienced, I'd always pick the motivated guy, because he will catch up eventually. These kinds of people were there at the beginning.
Adam: So I found myself in an interview with Lucia, where I explained that I don't really know anything.
Lucia: Do you know how to work with Flash? No. Will you learn? Yes.
Adam: She was super pleased with this information. She hired me instantly.
Peter: There was a time, when Pixel was not doing so good. People were working for no or half of a salary. I don't know, I consider myself to be a loyal person, I'm trying to do my job well. When the duty calls, I'm there to hear that calling.
Simon: The most intelligent people often don't start their own business because they can do the math and understand what it takes. I don't belong in that category - I just couldn't do the math.
Lucia: Yeah.
Simon: We had our vision - we wanted to become an independent gaming company, we wanted to do what makes us happy, and there was no other option for us doing so. These facts generated our endurance.
2009年 Trainstation計劃發行
Simon: We understood the fact that we could not have been the Developer only and rely on somebody else to sell our product for us. We understood the fact that we had to be the Publisher as well.
Peter: We managed to release Trains in like 6 months or so. There were many bugs, which we were fixing as we were going. Nobody expected this much of attention.
2010年 Diggy's Adventure計劃發行
Martin: Keeping Diggy's Adventure alive was quite challenging. Basically, I was just told the deadline - I had to have the first version ready in two months. Of course, there was no chance we were actually able to meet this deadline.
Adam: The current version doesn't look like the first version at all. It doesn't look like the prototype.
Martin: After two months, we have decided - the developer should be someone else. This project was deeply in red numbers.
(機歪貓的英語教室:如果red numbers是指財務上的赤字... 有一個字叫deficit)
Simon: I made the decision back then - we will not kill Diggy, we will continue to work on it. It's a huge success now. Well.
(迪吉被滾石追殺的畫面 讓我想到古墓奇兵啊... XD)
Simon: In 2013 we managed to turn Diggy's numbers black. Trainstation had been in black numbers for quite some time back then. Emporea entered the scene as well - we have reworked it for the third time, so those were the happy times. We also managed to pay all our debts towards our investors, and the company was expanding and making money.
2014年8月 總部成立
Simon: We wanted this place to be adaptable to change, which will be required when the time comes. Because you cannot figure everything out on your first try. Veggie garden - Google has tomatoes, they have been growing them for 20 years. People think to themselves - that is pretty cool. Marihuana on the other hand - nope, we are not growing that. But I'm just curious to find out WHEN it will start growing here.
Simon: We managed to release Trainstation on mobile devices, and we started to experiment more after that - another concept, another game. Unfortunately, we had to kill most of these projects in 2016.
Peter: I consider Pixel to be very interesting, as it seems to be transparent and fair, as well as it seems to follow values I like, and I think it succeeds to do so in many aspects. That makes it very valuable to me.
Martin: Pixel has grown up in the past 10 years. Yet, not completely. There was a lot of excitement at the biginning, we could have done anything. We didn't have much to loose. We were trying a lot and we managed to get this going, a lot of responsibility came with it and a lot of people were joining. Company grows this way. It is still not fully grown up, which is great, but it tries to do its best.
Simon: I want to wish to everyone - next 10 years, let us be happy and healthy. Let us have fun in the future, at least as much as we have had in the last 10 years. So - live long and prosper.
And because success is not permanant...(為什麼要拿蛋糕砸自己啦 XD)
I don't dream about a retirement, I don't belong in that group of people who keep thinking about what's gonna happen, I'm happy in this moment I live in. In year 2040, I will be still devoting my time to games. Questionable is, if it won't be done remotely from Hawai. I really like Maui, I travel there a lot, so it is possible that part of the company will be moved to Maui in 2040.
很爽的工作環境、塑膠(?)材質的沙發、牆壁上的塗鴉... 只差廁所的馬桶沒有魚吧 XD
我還有看到另一篇訪談提到 Simon原本的職業是建築師 但是他覺得建築師的工時太長 不想要讓自己的時間被工作佔滿
我覺得這段影片很感人的地方是 他們竟然可以一直堅持初衷
(通常新創企業都會想要找價值觀相近的人 但是很多公司的規模變大之後 彈性也會變得越來越小
甚至有些只想撿現成的 不願意找有潛力的人來培訓)